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الأحدث الإسم السعر النوع الكاتب السلسلة تاريخ النشر
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  1. أسعد الله مساءكم

    أسعد الله مساءكم

    مئة لحظة صنعت التلفزيون في لبنان

    زافين قيومجيان

    إشترِ الآن

    يجمع هذا الكتاب مئة لحظةٍ تلفزيونيةٍ، هي أهمّ وأفضل وأشهر لحظات التلفزيون اللبناني في ثلاثة عقود... من لحظة التأسيس في العام 1959، إلى تجارب البدايات في الستينيات، والزمن الجميل في السبعينيات، فالحرب في الثمانينيات... وصولاً إلى العام 1989 وولادة الجمهورية الثانية. ما بين أيدينا كتابٌ يصون ذاكرة جيلٍ، ويقدّم لجيل آخر مرجِعاً يستشفّ منه المستقبل. كتابٌ لكلٍّ منّا فيه صفحة... المزيد >

  2. جديد From Village to Presidential Suite

    From Village to Presidential Suite

    My Life’s Journey

    Dr. Joseph Jabbra

    إشترِ الآن

    “How does one know one has lived a full life? This is a question that preoccupies all of us at one time or another, but at a simple level we can say, “through the evidence of our actions and our relationships with others.” The pages of this memoir bear witness to Dr. Jabbra’s achievements, from his successful terms as Provost at St. Mary’s and Loyola Marymount, to his crowning moment as President of LAU. But much of the magic of this book lies in its descriptions of his friendships and interactions throughout his life, from the early days in his family village of al-Firzul to his school experiences at Harissa and St. Joseph, and the eventual passage to the United States, armed with Arabic, French, Latin and Greek, but no English. Then on to his life in America and Canada, and the rich relationships he formed with so many in that extraordinary phenomenon that is the Lebanese diaspora. After seeing an early draft of this memoir, I urged Dr. Jabbra to relate the day-to-day experiences he had in running LAU in the semichaotic atmosphere that prevails even in the best of times in Lebanon. I knew how vivid some of these moments were, having shared many with him, and he has captured that time beautifully, although I wish he had included a particularly hairy moment he and I once had, from which we were fortunate to emerge unscathed.” Philip Stoltzfus, Chairman, LAU Board of Trustees September 2021 My tamed ego was my friend and not my enemy, my wise advisor but not my dictator. Forgiveness, instead of retaliation, was my motto. Integrity and the highest ethical standards defeated, hands down, my detractors at the governing boards of any institution I served. My leveling with people, working together with them, and my honesty were invincible weapons and very difficult to resist or defeat. The realization on the part of the three university families I served, in Canada, the United States, and Lebanon, that I had a unique combination of genuine caring for people and a will of steel to defend the institution I was working for against any abuse, won me the people’s respect, not their fear, their genuine affection and trust. And this is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. My transformative tenures at SMU, LMU, and LAU were strengthened by their remarkable families. They believed in the mission of their respective universities, they pulled ranks together, and together they transformed them from ordinary colleges to major forces in higher education, and they did it with indomitable drive, exemplary grace, unique pride, and contagious passion.” Dr Joseph Jabbra, From Village to Presidential Suite: My Life’s Journey, 2022, pg 687, In Conclusions and Lessons learned, Beirut, Hachette Antoine. Learn more >‎

  3. قانون الموجبات والعقود

    قانون الموجبات والعقود

    Code des obligations et des contrats

    أعدّ بالتعاون مع المحاميين: مابيل عبد الكريم تيّان وجلال المير

    إشترِ الآن

    إليكم طبعة جديدة ومنقّحة من قانون الموجبات والعقود تضمّ النصّ باللغتَين الفرنسيّة والعربيّة وقد أضيفت إلى النصّ العربي اجتهادات محكمة التمييز اللبنانيّة منذ العام 1975 حتّى العام 2018. المزيد >

  4. The Meteoric Rise of LAU

    The Meteoric Rise of LAU

    From College to University

    Dr. Marwan Iskandar

    إشترِ الآن

    “The fascinating story of the university has been written as an actual novel of the phases of development by a well-known economist and author.” Jihad El Zein, Cultural Editor, An-Nahar Learn more >‎

  5. Sarah and Her Sisters

    Sarah and Her Sisters

    American Missionary Pioneers in Arab Female Education, 1834-1937

    Robert D. Stoddard, Jr

    إشترِ الآن

    “Extracted from letters, memoirs and school records, Sarah and Her Sisters is the extraordinary history of how Sarah Smith and successive missionary “sisters” passed the torch of Arab female education forward from her Beirut Female School in 1834 to what became the co-ed Lebanese American University in 1994. It is hard to grasp the courage of these women, some married, some not, who bade farewell to their homes and families not knowing if they would ever return.” John Waterbury, President Emeritus, the American University of Beirut Learn more >‎

  6. أَلجُمَلُ - Al-Joumal

    أَلجُمَلُ - Al-Joumal

    Syntaxe de l’arabe - Vocabulaire de presse

    César Sakr

    إشترِ الآن

    Al-Joumal est un manuel bilingue français-arabe qui présente la syntaxe de l'arabe et le vocabulaire de presse. Learn more >‎

  7. Lebanon on Screen

    Lebanon on Screen

    The greatest moments of Lebanese Television and Pop Culture

    Zaven Kouyoumdjian

    إشترِ الآن

    “Lebanon on Screen: The Greatest Moments of Lebanese Television and Pop Culture” is the first book of its kind written in English, documenting the landmark moments and milestones of Lebanese television. Learn more >‎

  8. غابريال شانيل

    غابريال شانيل

    خيوط حياتها

    هالة كوثراني

    إشترِ الآن

    كتاب أنيق وفخم يتناول قصة حياة مصمّمة الأزياء الفرنسية غابريال شانيل (1883-1971)، والثورة التي أحدثتها في عالم الموضة عبر التاريخ. المزيد >

  9. Les impôts au Liban

    Les impôts au Liban

    2e édition

    Karim Daher

    إشترِ الآن

    Qu’est-ce que l’impôt ? Quels sont ses effets sur les ménages libanais et le monde des affaires ? Quelle adéquation rencontre-t-il entre les objectifs affichés et les effets produits ? Comment le manier avec efficacité afin de réaliser les meilleurs choix tout en respectant les normes et en protégeant ses droits ? Quel est son rôle dans les décisions stratégiques qui sont prises ? Quelles sont les conséquences du non-respect par le contribuable de ses obligations fiscales ? Learn more >‎

  10. La vie à bras ouverts

    La vie à bras ouverts

    Nicolas Sehnaoui

    إشترِ الآن

    Nicolas Sehnaoui s’adresse dans ce livre aux jeunes qui sont appelés à faire des choix importants qu’ils devront assumer toute leur vie. Il partage avec eux son expérience d’homme mûr et leur prodigue des conseils précieux pour qu’ils puissent, dês le départ, exercer leur libre arbitre et prendre leur destin en main. Learn more >‎

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الأحدث الإسم السعر النوع الكاتب السلسلة تاريخ النشر
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